DOCTALK 2022 - Volume 9 Issue 2
 June 2022

By Brenda Senger, Physician Health Program Director, Saskatchewan Medical Association

Stepping in to Healthy Leadership

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We have heard a lot about “leadership” through-out the pandemic – disappointed by some, appreciative of others, awed by many.  As physicians, many have felt burdened by this expectation and unsure of your competency in new leadership roles – reignites that imposter syndrome, doesn’t it? Yet, you stepped up, filled in, spoke up and deployed where needed.  Thank you.

Position does not define leaders – leaders can be found through-out a system by the characteristics they demonstrate and cultivate. Curiosity, genuine interest in others, positive energy, integrity, congruency between intent and behavior, honesty, humility, compassion, and recognition of others.

The role of a leader is not to take charge, but rather to take care of those in our charge.

So, to all of you who took care of those in your practice, your clinic, in your team, in your department and in your community – we owe you a debt of gratitude and hope you hear and accept our appreciation. Do not brush it off with “I was only doing my job” – you went far beyond – and we noticed!

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  Stress is inevitable. Struggling is optional.

If you are a physician struggling with mental health concerns, please know there is a safe, confidential place for you to contact.

Call the Physician Health Program at the Saskatchewan Medical Association.

Brenda Senger
  Jessica Richardson
Clinical Coordinator (Regina/South)