Legislative Review Committee

Committee Members

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Committee Description

The mandate and appointment process of the Legislative Review Committee is entrenched in the CPSS Regulatory Bylaws, and reads as follows:

(h) Legislative Review Committee

(i)   Composition

1.     The Legislative Review Committee may consist of such persons as the Council deems advisable.  Members of Council are eligible to be appointed to the Legislative Review Committee.

2.     The Council shall designate one member of the Legislative Review Committee as Chair of the Committee.

3. the President is an ex-officio member of the Legislative Review Committee, and may attend and participate in meetings of the committee.

(ii)  Objectives

1.   To review the Act as directed by the Council and keep informed on all proposed amendments to the Act and bring them to the attention of the Council.

2.   To propose to the Council such legislation as may be in the best interests of the College.

3.   On instructions from the Council to bring such proposals to the attention of the Provincial Legislature.

4.   To review and update the Bylaws of the College as directed by the Council.

5. At the request of the Registrar, or the Registrar’s designate, to review requests for consultation arising from possible changes to bylaws or legislation of another regulatory body and provide recommendations to the Registrar or the Council.

(iii) Methods

1.   To act in consultation with the Registrar and/or legal counsel for the College to achieve the objectives of the Committee.

(iv) Reporting

1.   The Committee shall report to the Council in such manner as the Council may direct.

2. The Committee will report in writing at least annually to the Council.

(v)  Meetings

1.   The Committee will meet at the call of the Chair.