GOVERNANCE POLICY: EL-14  Development of Policies Governing the Practice of Medicine

 POLICY TYPE: Executive Limitations
 DATE APPROVED: April 16, 2010

The Registrar shall not fail to develop for Council’s final approval, policies governing the practice of medicine in accordance with the priority list created by Council.

Accordingly, the Registrar shall not:

 1. Fail to advise Council of areas where she/he perceives that policies are needed.

 2. Fail to advise Council of the number of policies that can reasonably be developed in any policy cycle within the budget.

 3. Fail to ensure that:

3.1  The Policy development included review of best practice and findings in the literature.

3.2  The practice of other relevant jurisdictions has been considered.

3.3  Research findings have been reviewed and considered.

3.4  There has been input from the membership, and specifically from physicians practicing in the area to which the policy applies.

3.5  There has been consultation with other groups, where appropriate.

3.6  There is a future orientation.

3.7  The policy is consistent with any legal requirements.

3.8  The policy is realistic and enforceable.

 4. Fail to bring completed policies to the Council for final approval.