Receiving & Avoiding Complaints

Receiving a Complaint

Receiving a complaint may cause significant stress and worry.  Complaints related to quality of care and communication are generally handled through the Quality of Care Department at the College.  The process is educational, and not punitive.  College complaints are confidential, and do not appear on your Certificate of Professional Conduct.  Below are an outline of the process, and suggestions for responding to a complaint.

1.  A signed formal complaint is received by the College.

2.   The physician is notified of the complaint.

An initial letter is sent to the physician.  In some cases, especially if it is your first complaint, there may be a courtesy phone call as well.  A response is required within 14 business days.  Under certain circumstances, an extension may be granted, if requested.  Failure to respond to the College may be considered unprofessional conduct.

Your response should be accurate, honest, as complete as possible, and respectful.   

You may review and provide copies of any medical records in your custody.  Records not in your custody, such as hospital records, must be obtained by the College and can then be provided to you if needed.  Copies of your medical records must be sent with your response if they are requested by the College.

You are cautioned not to alter any medical records in response to a complaint.

 It is recommended that you contact the CMPA for advice when you are notified of a complaint.


3. Your response may be provided to the complainant.

The complainant then has 14 business days to respond with a letter of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. 


4. The case is reviewed by either a Senior Medical Advisor or by the Quality of Care Advisory Committee. 

5. The conclusions and any recommendations to the physician are communicated to both parties following closure of the file.

CMPA Resources

What to do if you're notified of a College complaint

Coping with a College complaint

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